Custom Bots custom bots Making And Dressing A Custom Bot Since folks have seen the Randbot, Dionabot and Tessiebot in the shop and asked, here are the quick instructions for making and dressing a custom bot. A special note here... This has to be done in the property owned by someone who is UVIP status. Normal VIP won't give you the options you need, however you can hire a Licensed Decorator to put on in any place for you. Costs vary, but generally seem to run between 25 and 50 rays. Once you have one bot, you can clone it to your heart's content. 1. Open prop editor and go to the add a new prop icon. 2. Type Trigger into the search box and create a Trigger Box. Scale your new trigger box to X: 0.25 Y: 0.7 Z: 0.25 2a If you already have a trigger box in the same area, use a Wall instead. Scale it to X: 0.25 Y: 1.00 Z: 2.00 3. Go to the Script tab and select "Create Custom Bot" 4. Go to the State tab and select "Invisible". Release it and you should have a bot standing in front of you. Now to dress your bot.. 1. Right click on the bot and select Properties. (It'll be either a Trigger Box or Wall, depending upon which you used above.) 2. Right click on its head and you'll get an "Edit Bot" menu. Select it. 3. This will open your closet. Select an outfit to put on your bot. 4. Unlock the prop and it should be in front of you, looking like you. If you want a naked bot simply select that box from inside your closet. Then you'll have a naked, sexable bot.